Robert Lawson Brown, Ph.D.

My Story

I am a physicist, (U.Va. Ph.D. 1978). I have worked in atomic studies, condensed matter, magnetic properties, semiconductor optics, plasma etching, semiconductor process development, metrology, and computer programming. I was in the high technology industry for thirty eight years. I am presently retired.

In my retirement, I offer consultation and development for data analysis and for creation of scientific visualization. I primarily use Mathematica™ for analysis and for data visualization. I also use Autodesk Maya to produce other visualizations and animations.

I have extensive experience with DSLR photography and with videography. I am an experienced user of the Adobe Creative Suite™ the Apple™ productivty applications. I work with Google Apps for Business™. Other applications include Mathematica™, the Microsoft Office™ suite, and various image manipulation tools. I work with virtual reality (Second Life™). I have also setup and administrated numerous computer servers, in Linux and Unix, during the technical communications phase of my career. While it is not the main focus for my retirement, I can assist in the design, coding, and deployment of websites.

I wrote my first program in Fortran, during September of 1969, using Hollerith card input, and impact printer output, with a big basement filling Burroughs mainframe sitting in between, 56K of workspace. Needless to say, I have advanced on to considerably more powerful platforms since that time. My most recent programs have been written in Swift, to create MacOS X applications. I have also programmed, over the years, with Basic, Forth, Pascal, Prolog, Java, and Javascript.